May 07, 2013


1.Jangan marah pada waktu yang
2. Kalau bertengkar cobalah
mengalah untuk menang.
3.Tegurlah pasangan Anda
dengan kasih.

May 06, 2013

My Sample of Curiculum Vitae


E-MAIL, MOBILE 085-740-913-501
I’m motivated to apply this job. I’m graduated from English Education Department seeking en entry level in position as English Teaher.

May 01, 2013


NAME                                     : OKA HANUM PRATIWI
ADRESS                                : WEDELAN, RT 02/10 BANGSRI –JEPARA
CONTACT NUMBER           : 085-740-913-501
E-MAIL                                  :
IDENTITY CARD                 : 150295-02-1995
AGE                                        : 18


Cause and Effect Essay

Often student writers are taught short-term solutions to the problem of organizing an essay. The most common short-term essay is the "five-paragraph essay" format. The five-paragraph essay uses the following organization:
1.     Introduction--Background and thesis
2.     First Body Paragraph--The first reason why the thesis is true

Alasan setelah menikah menjadi gemuk

Inilah Alasan Kenapa Setelah Menikah Bertambah Gemuk. Menurut penelitian terbaru, semakin Anda bahagia dalam sebuah pernikahan, semakin besar juga kemungkinan Anda akan menumpuk lemak.
Para peneliti dari Southern Methodist University, AS, mempelajari 169 pasangan yang baru menikah

Melatih Otak

Latih Fungsi Otak Anda, Ikuti 5 Cara Berikut Ini. Otak disebut organ penting karena ia bekerja sebagai pusat komando tubuh. Tidak hanya urusan fisik, emosi pun diatur serta dikendalikan oleh otak. Melakukan aktivitas fisik sederhana hingga pemecahan masalah, semuanya membutuhkan kerja otak.

April 30, 2013

How to make Flanel Handicraft

How to make flanel handicraft
What’s is handicraft flanel ? Handicraft flanel is one of popular and cheap handicraft to useful for us. Don’t you know that Handicraft flanel is populer handicraft for  teenagers, children and also adult ?

Kanker Payudara

Kanker Payudara


 Gejala, ciri-ciri, dan tanda Kanker Payudara
knkr pydr
Gejala klinis terjadinya Kanker Payudara yang umum terjadi adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Benjolan kecil pada payudara.Benjolan ini biasanya tidak nyeri dan ukuranya kecil. Tapi lama-lama membesar dan menempel pada kulit serta menimbulkan perubahan warna pada puting dan atau payudara.

Mengapa Harus Cemburu?

1. Cari tahu kenapa anda cemburu

langkah awal mengatasi rasa cemburu yang dirasa membawa energi negatif ini adalah dengan menanyakan diri sendiri apa akar masalah dari perasaan anda. Apakah pengalaman kolektif yang membentuk karakter anda menjadi pencemburu seperti ini? Karena baik tindakan maupun pikiran anda berulang kali terkoneksi langsung ke otak. Jadi, coba runutkan pengalaman anda untuk temukan apa penyebabnya:

pengalaman masa lalu: Mantan pacar pernah selingkuh dan anda menjadi protektif karenanya.
berasumsi: Anda sendiri sebenarnya player, kemudian anda berasumsi pasangan anda pun sama dengan anda.
peminum atau pengguna narkoba: Zat racun ini memang sumber masalah dan berefek samping yang membuat penggunanya menjadi paranoid.

Narrative Text


Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and two step sisters.
The step mother and sisters were conceited and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the house, such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing the food for the family. The two step sisters, on the other hand, did not work about the house. Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear.


Hal yang paling mengganggu dan memberi dampak negatif dalam kehidupan kita sebenarnya berasal dari pandangan buruk terhadap diri anda sendiri. Kadang kita terlalu keras menghukum dan merendahkan diri kita sendiri atas kejadian-kejadian buruk yang menimpa diri kita atau pun orang lain.

Berikut ada beberapa Tips menghilangkan sifat negatif tersebut :


Memikirkan masa lalu atau masa depan adalah hal yang sering membuat kita cemas. Jarang sekali kita panik karena kejadian masa sekarang. Jika Anda menemukan pikiran anda terkukung dalam apa yang telah terjadi atau apa yang belum terjadi, ingatlah bahwa hanya masa kini yang dapat kita kontrol.

Essay Task

Feeling Secure-Even without a Home
                When you walk downtown in almost any large American city, you see many homeless people (complex). They sit on with the streets their shopping carts full of their meager belongings and often ask for money(compound). Do they make you nervous? Do they scare you? The truth is that most homeless people do not want to be homeless, and they are afraid of the same things that you are(compound). Homeless people, like everyone else, need basically three things to feel safe in their environment. (simple)
                First, and most importantly, homeless people need to feel physically safety.(simple) For you and me, this feeling comes when we enter our apartment or house and lock the door behind us(compound). For a homeless person, this feeling is a luxury(simple). They may go to a shelter at night, but sometimes the people in the shelter can be dangerous, especially if they are mentally ill(compound). Then in the morning, they are kicked out of the shelter and forced to roam the streets(compound). For these reasons, a lot of homeless people claim a certain bench or street corner as their own(compound). They are trying to feel physically secure(simple).
                Second, homeless people need to have a dependable source of food(simple). This is such a basic need that most of us don’t even think about it, but for homeless person, finding food can be a full-time job(compound). There are places to go for meals that are usually run by local governments or churches, but there isn’t enough food for everyone to have three nutritionally balanced meals a day(compound). Getting one meal a day is considered good for homeless person(simple). Other food comes from scrounging through the garbage or begging on the streets(compound). It is difficult to feel secure in your environment when you don’t know where your next meal is coming from(complex).
                Finally, to feel safe, you need to know that if you get sick or injure yourself, you can get the medical treatment you need(compound). In the United States, this is becoming increasingly difficult even for people who have places to live but don’t have a lot of money(compound). It’s almost impossible for homeless person(simple). It’s true that homeless people can usually go to an emergency room in a hospital if they are gravely sick or injured, but some hospitals these days are turning away anyone who doesn’t have health insurance(compound). If the sickness or injury is not severe, there are some