April 30, 2013

How to make Flanel Handicraft

How to make flanel handicraft
What’s is handicraft flanel ? Handicraft flanel is one of popular and cheap handicraft to useful for us. Don’t you know that Handicraft flanel is populer handicraft for  teenagers, children and also adult ?
You didn’t relize that sometimes you saw handicraft flanel in the close hair.  You can give  special gift when your friend or boy friend celebrate theirs birthday J There are many product of Handiraft flanel such as, pillow, pin, pencil case, wall hangings etc. Dont worry, you can make it by your self. That’s not expensive, not too need material and not difficult to make it. Let me share how to make handicraft flanel J Chek it out
You are need some material first to make handicraft flanel. Because I wanna make pillow flanel J So the material are flanel, pencil, scissors, thread cotton, adornment, needle, glue. You can buy that material in the market near your hometown J to the point…..
The first step is, drawing something what you want on the flanel with a pencil. Example, I want to make love pillow so I draw love shape. Cut the love shape into two parts with scissor. After you cut the love shape, is combine become one. Sewing the edge of love shape flanel with needle. Dont forget to prepare the needle which has thread.
The second, Dont Sewing all of edge love shape. Leaving hole in the form of love flanel. And then, Fill the love shape flanel with cotton as you wish. If your love pillow is big, fill much cotton. It can make the pillow is soft and comfortable.
The third, After you fill your pillow with cotton. Continue sewing all of love shape all sewn up. Sewing the pillow with tidy, and be patient. Tailoring takes patiences and thoroughness. When your stitches  are not neat, it can reduce the beauty.
Final step is, give adorment on the pillow and you can also give some words on the pillow. Such as, I LOVE YOU. If you want to add some words on the pillow. Cut flanel forming the letter you want. Continue to stick on top.
That’s all is easy ways right ? You can  also make another product with flanel. When you are bored  you can make it. Easy ways to give special gift for someone. Chepest, and not too spend the time J
Try to make it pleaseeeee SPIRIT !

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